Les artistes

Antonio Quinet
Psychoanalyst, MD, PhD in Philosophy playwright.  Member of the School of Psychoanalysis of  the Forums of the Lacanian Field. Professor of the Postgraduate Programme in Psychoanalysis, Health and Society (UVA-Rio de Janeiro), where he develops the research project "Theatre and Psychoanalysis", and acts as director of the Unconscious on Stage Co. Author of 10 books published in Brazil (two translated into French and one to Spanish), and six plays.

José Eduardo Costa e Silva
Musician of baroque and contemporary music, composer and professor of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, took part in the recording of six CDs. He is a member the Unconscious on Stage Co., for which he composed the music of all the plays.

Regina Miranda 
is a choreographer, theater director, and cultural administrator. She created and directed over 40 theater and dance performances for her own company – the ActorsDancers of Rio (1980-today), being the recipient of numerous national and international awards. More recently, her interest in social change through the arts has led to the creation of a new company – the Collective Body, dedicated to interactive performances in public spaces. In addition, she has participated as a choreographer in numerous theater, opera, movies, and TV productions. In 2012, for example, she choreographed for TV Globo the soap opera “Gabriela”, inspired by Jorge Amado’s novel. Regina combines a solid career in the arts with her interest in cultural administration and politics: in Brazil, in addition to directing her two performing arts companies, she directs the organization Cidade Criativa/Cultural Transformations (2010-today), where she is the coordinator of Rio, Creative City 2010-2020, a citywide project focused on arts and culture in the development of neighborhoods and cities. Since 1999, Regina has been dividing her residency between Rio and New York, where is the Director of Arts & Culture, and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Laban/Bartenieff Institute, one of the most important centers of Movement Studies in the world. As an artist and cultural leader she has been constantly invited to lecture at conferences and cultural events, such as the Aspen Institute Cultural Diplomacy Conference (2009, Spain and 2011, Oman) and the International Leadership Association (2008, Prague and 2009, Boston), among the recent ones. She also works as an international curator of artistic events, such as MOSAIC (NYC, 2003 - 2013); Bratislava in Movement (Slovakia, 2007); Laban Global Celebration (2008 US, RJ, and UK); and the International Forum Rio Creative City (2010-2013). Regina is the author of Expressive Movement (1980), Body-Space: Aspects of a Geophilosophy of the Body in Movement  (2008), and of Laban Lead: Leadership as Art (2008). Her theater plays, Empty Legs (2003); Intimacy of Angels (2006); Unmapped: Where I find myself (2011); “Open the Hystericals! (2012, with Antonio Quinet); and Leonardo’s Manuscripts (2013), have been performed to critical acclaim in Brazil and the US. Regina Miranda holds a BA in Dance Theory from SUNY/Empire State College, a CMA by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, and a MSc., from GCU/Ken Blanchard School of Business, focused in Cultural Leadership. 

Formação (cursos): Cursando Faculdade de Psicologia – 1º período. Teatro: Professor Daniel Freitas (Centro Cultural Sarraceno), Professor Jorge Crespo (Centro Cultural Dyla Silvia de Sá); Popular - Professora Tânia Xavier (Centro Cultural Dyla Silvia de Sá); Rua – Professor Daniel Freitas (Centro Cultural Sarraceno). Impostação de voz: Professor André Cerveira (Centro Cultural Dyla Silvia de Sá). Canto: Professor Feo (Centro Cultural Dyla Silvia de Sá). Dança popular: (Espaço Versátil Ópera Brasil), Contemporânea (intermediário) - (Espaço Versátil Ópera Brasil). Acrobacia aérea (intermediário) - (Espaço Versátil Ópera Brasil).
Principais Trabalhos: Festival de Esquetes do Centro Cultural Sarraceno 11/2006 (levando premio de melhor atriz). Stand up Comedy em abertura de espetáculo do Espaço Versátil Ópera Brasil com coordenação de Fernando Bicudo. Fest Rio de Teatro de Bonecos 2007 – com a Cia. Jorge Crespo – com animação de bonecos fantoches, marote e manipulação direta. Participação no show Criança Esperança – Rede Globo 2007. Figuração para a novela Pé na Jaca – Rede Globo 2007. Apresentações em Centros Culturais e Bibliotecas com Morte e Vida Severina; Lampião e Maria Bonita; O mancebo; Bonitinha mas Ordinária; adaptações e textos inéditos. Comercial – Guaraná Antártica com UNICEF Projeto-escola nas escolas estaduais de da Zona Oeste. 

Claudio Serra, originaire de Rio de Janeiro (Brésil), est comédien, profeseur et chercheur dans les domaines du théâtre.
Son objet d’étude dans le Doctorat en Théâtre, à l’université UNIRO, consiste à analyser les rapports entre scène et dramaturgie contemporaines.Son expérience professionnelle plus récente établit des liens entre langue et scène brésiliennes et françaises :En 2012, il est comédien et assistant de mise en scène de Vincent Macaigne, dans le spectacle "A Partir das Três Irmãs", dans le cadre du festival international Tempo Festival das Artes.En 2009/2010, à l’Université Paris 8, il participe au montage de “Roberto Zucco”, de Bernard-Marie Koltès, sous la mise en scène de Claude Buchvald.La même année, fait des recherches dans le Centre de Recherches sur la Littérature Française du XIXeme Siècle, à la Sorbonne (Paris IV), avant de soutenir son master dont le titre "O Teatro de Variedades em J.K. Huysmans: elementos da cenografia enunciativa", dans le Master en littérature française de l’Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).Aussi à Paris, passe un stage, en 2008, dans la compagnie Théâtre Organic, avec Norman Taylor (École Jacques Lecoq).Dans le cadre de l’évennement  “Novarina em Cena” (2009, l’année de la France au Brésil), Claudio est assistent de mise en scène et comédien de Claude Buchvald  dans le spectacle “Vocês que Habitam o Tempo”.
A l’Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro il est professeur remplaçant entre 2007 et 2012 dans le Département d’Arts Corporels.En 2006 Claudio remporte le prix de meilleur comédien dans le Festival de Teatro da Unicentro, pour le personnage Mephisto, dans le espectacle "Tragédia de Margarida" (Le Faust, de Goethe).
MARINA SALOMON (atriz)Bailarina, coreógrafa, diretora de movimento e professora de Dança e > especialista em Sistema Laban de Análise de Movimento, formou-se em > Dança Clássica pela Escola Estadual de Danças Maria Olenewa (1986).Membro integrante da Companhia Regina Miranda. Recebeu indicação para > o Prêmio Mambembe, na categoria Melhor Bailarina de 1995 com Exílio.Entre 1991 e > 2000 trabalhou como Orientadora de Movimento e Coreógrafa da Companhia > Atores de Laura, que recebeu o Prêmio Coca-Cola em 1995 e 1996 na > categoria Direção e foi indicada para o Prêmio Shell, em 1995, na categoria Revelação.Ministra aulas na CAL- RJ. Em 2003, integrou o corpo docente da > Faculdade Angel Vianna orientando, como professora-assistente, as > cadeiras de Metodologia da Dança I e II – Sistema Laban. Entre 1995 e > 1997, integrou o corpo docente da UNIVERCIDADE na cadeira de Dança > Contemporânea e atuou como > Professora Convidada do Colégio de Dança de Fortaleza (1998/1999).Atualmente é professora da CAL. Em 2012, trabalhou como atriz e bailarina do espetáculo Abram-se os histéricos, com texto de Antonio Quinet e direção de Regina Miranda.

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